Students' Project
As part of the CSE 316: Microprocessor and Microcontroller Sessional, students have to complete a project using ATMega 32. In most of the offerings a number of awesome projects are produced. You can find most of the project videos in the following youtube playlists: January 2017, January 2016, and July 2015. I have embedded some of them here, too.
Low Cost CNG Meter
Low Cost CNG Meter
GPS Navigator for Runners
GPS Navigator for Runners
Smart Sleeping Mat: A Sleeping Mat to Monitor Sleeping Positions of Heart Patients
Smart Sleeping Mat: A Sleeping Mat to Monitor Sleeping Positions of Heart Patients
Science Combat
Science Combat
BB-8: A Robot Inspired From Star Wars
BB-8: A Robot Inspired From Star Wars
Chocolate Canon: A Hand Gesture Based Remote Object Dispatcher
Chocolate Canon: A Hand Gesture Based Remote Object Dispatcher
Micro Ping Pong: A Hand Gesture Based Ping Pong Game
Micro Ping Pong: A Hand Gesture Based Ping Pong Game
Light Following Robot
Light Following Robot